In one of our recipes we send the "message" field back to google sheets, but sometimes we hit the 50k limit for characters in google sheet.
Is there a way to limit the message size to <50k so that we don't get the error?
I've tried searching the forum and the help section, but haven't found an answer yet.
Hi Theresa, yes you can limit no. of characters using slice formula.
See doc here: https://docs.workato.com/formulas/string-formulas.html#slice
Send us a ticket, we will try our best to assist you with your problem
Theresa Jaetsch
How to limit message characters
In one of our recipes we send the "message" field back to google sheets, but sometimes we hit the 50k limit for characters in google sheet.
Is there a way to limit the message size to <50k so that we don't get the error?
I've tried searching the forum and the help section, but haven't found an answer yet.